
Old style conjure
Old style conjure

old style conjure

#Old style conjure how to

Read it and learn how to effectively use time-tested techniques of Conjure to better your life and achieve your goals. This is a practical book, chockful of Starr's own formulas, rituals, and works. A vast repository and staunch defender of rapidly vanishing American folk traditions, Starr Casas is the real deal and Old Style Conjure is her best, most complete and comprehensive work yet. She is an authentic hereditary practitioner of Conjure, among the most potent forms of traditional American folk magic. "Starr Casas is a true national treasure. Old Style Conjure is a gift to the folk magic community."-Jacki Smith, Founder of Coventry Creations and author of Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs Whenever I learn from Starr Casas, she transports me to a place where I see, feel, and hear what needs to be done to get it right. This down to earth, practical guide to Conjure is a book you will want to keep forever. "Mamma Starr is the real deal and her works and words speaks that truth. It introduces readers to the history and philosophy of conjure and provides practical, modern-day advice for using it. Old Style Conjure is a guide to using conjure to achieve love, success, safety, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment. Written by Starr Casas, a hereditary master of the art, Old Style Conjure is an essential guide to using conjure to achieve love, success, safety, prosperity, spiritual fulfillment, and your heart's desires. Conjure first emerged in the days of slavery and plantations and is widely considered among the most potent forms of magic. Conjure, hoodoo, rootwork-these are all names for a uniquely American form of folk magic. Anyone seeking to comprehend conjure and benefit from its powerful magic would do well to read Old Style Conjure."-Judika Illes, author of Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells and many other books Featuring rituals, spells, and home recipes, the book provides useful information suitable for novices and seasoned practitioners alike. Featuring Casas's own rituals, spells, and home recipes, the book provides useful information suitable for novices and seasoned practitioners alike. Author Starr Casas, a hereditary master of the art, introduces readers to the history and philosophy of conjure and provides practical information for using it. This book is a guide to using conjure to achieve love, success, safety, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment.

old style conjure old style conjure

Its popularity continues to increase, both in the United States and worldwide. About the Book Conjure, hoodoo, rootwork, these are all names for southern American folk magic.

Old style conjure